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Master your Mind

Ryan’s Guide to Beating Burnout and Managing Your Motivation

Do you often find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media, constantly checking your phone, or obsessively checking your emails? Does it feel like your life is passing you by at a faster and faster rate? Have you fallen into habits that just keep coming back - like drinking, gaming, gambling, using porn, recreational drugs or junk food? And do you know how all these things are connected?


It's time to Master Your Mind.


In this groundbreaking workshop, join Men’s Coach and TEDx Speaker Ryan Parke to understand how modern life is deliberately designed to hook you, using the dirty secrets of dopamine - and what to do about it. 

Over 120 minutes you will:


✓ Understand the factors associated with motivation, attention and focus.
✓ Learn how to identify distractions, addictions, and when to get help.
✓ Discover 10 simple strategies to regain your focus and attention.


After attending this workshop, you will be empowered to:


⇨ Take back control of your motivation levels.
⇨ Achieve more in your work and personal life.
⇨ Close the door to distractions and feel present again.


Who Should Attend?


Originally created for Ryan's coaching clients, this workshop will benefit anyone who finds they are regularly distracted, wants to feel motivated again, or who suffers from or supports those who are struggling with additions. Master Your Mind has received rave reviews from a wide range of audiences: from experienced recovery coaches to those wanting to perform better at work.


Whether you want to reduce the distractions in your life or gain practical strategies for dealing with addiction, don't miss Master Your Mind, Ryan’s Guide to Beating Burnout and Managing Your Motivation.


Content Notice: during this workshop, Ryan will directly address topics related to addition, including: use of pornography, alcohol, recreational drugs, erectile dysfunction and self gratification. . Please consider whether this workshop is right for you before attending. 

Feedback for this Workshop

Would you recommend this workshop?

Yes - 100% of attendees.

Delegate feedback as of June 2024

What did you like about this workshop?

'Science based, practical tips, interactive.'

'Again, another super clear and concise workshop.  Detailed things that actually will benefit me moving forward and helped me identify things to address.'

'Provide me with great motivation to recognise how to build good dopamine & better understand effects of spiking dopamine.'


How will you be able to use your new knowledge?

'I'm going to give myself time to sit and review all the learning and put simple achievable goals in place.'

'By setting my phone to grayscale so less appealing to scroll, review notifications & be distracted.'

'Hopefully get more done and with less distractions. Also be better able to manage my dopamine levels.'

What would you change about this workshop?

'Nothing really - very well structured.'


'Nothing, really good mix of interaction & theory.'


How would you describe this workshop to others thinking of attending?

'Listen, participate and identify your own challenges and goals.  It will surprise you how easy it can be with a bit of guidance!'

'Great practical tips on how to avoid distractions and focus on things.'

'How addictions can negatively affect your mental health & ways to change these.'


True, useful, 

and interesting. 

(Desktop viewing recommended)

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